Friday, March 11, 2011

Blueberry Hazelnut Scones

I have made my way to Anchorage but while still in Oregon, I went to Bob's Red Mill with a good friend and we had a great time exploring the aisles of various flours and grains. I found an excellent book on baking with non-traditional flours and I also happened to come upon hazelnut flour with a recipe on the back for Hazelnut Currant Scones. Because hazelnuts are grown in Oregon, I thought "why not?!" They also had a wide selection of dried fruit, so I picked up some dried blueberries and added those instead of the currants. I expected the scones to have an overpowering hazelnut flavor, but I was pleasantly surprised that although the hazelnut flour definitely comes through, they were rather tasty. And they mixed up in a flash which makes it an easy choice for a morning treat.

Blueberry Hazelnut Scones

1/2 cup unbleached flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup hazelnut flour
1 TBS. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 TBS. baking powder
1 cup heavy cream, chilled
3/4 cup dried blueberries(or other fruit)

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Mix first six ingredients in medium bowl. Then stir in blueberries. Pour cream on top and gently fold in. Place dough on lightly floured surface and pat into an 8 inch circle. Cut into 8 wedges and put on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake until G B & D (golden, brown and delicious)....about 13-15 minutes.


Here are my niece, Zuma and my nephew, Angus about to dig in!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice.I want a nice warm scone while still in my jammies!!
